The Best of Britain
Photo courtesy of Chris Lawton (Unsplash)
It's funny how a microscopic virus can change the world we live in; quite terrifying actually. All those little things we used to take for granted - going to the hairdressers, seeing the latest film at the cinema, taking a walk in the park - now seem like a wonderful luxury. It's almost like we're in the midst of a war, but our enemy is invisible, and at the moment...unstoppable.
But this is Great Britain, and if history has taught us anything it is that our spirit is strong and it will never be extinguished. If you want to see an example of that spirit at its most magnificent, just look at all our key workers battling on despite the risk to their own health, their own life, even. From hospital staff to the delivery services, to the refuse collectors keeping our streets clean, they are doing all they can to save lives and keep their country ticking over.
They are all amazing people whose selfless work and dedication should not be forgotten, nor unrewarded. I myself have seen the dedication and hard work of NHS staff, and it never ceases to amaze me how, when faced with the prospect of utter devastation, those on the front line are able to put their heads down and work together tirelessly to become the barrier between life and death. They are, quite literally, our saving grace.
And what can I say about Captain Sir Tom Moore? I salute him, I admire him, I deeply respect him because his passion, dedication and determination is the perfect epitome of 'The Best of Britain'. He has shown us that however small we think our good deed is, it can snowball into something we never imagined it would be.
So don't dismiss your one good deed as really nothing special, because it simply isn't true. If you made a difference to just one person, that's all it needs to do.
But what can we do to show our appreciation to all those people, those like Captain Sir Tom Moore? Is there anything we can do or say that can express the gratitude we feel? We can shout it from the highest mountain, sing it on the wind, shake the hand of every nurse and every doctor, but nothing seems to fit. So instead, I will keep it short and sweet:
Thank you. Thank you for your bravery, dedication and determination.
You are the best of Britain.