Developmental Milestones - 18 Months Old
At 18 months old, most children:
Fine and Gross Motor Skills
Walks unaided.
Can walk up or down stairs when aided.
Squats to pick up objects on the floor.
Can eat with a spoon.
Holds a crayon in a primitive grasp and scribbles.
Is able to assist with dressing and undressing themselves.
Drinks from a cup using both hands.
Language and Communication
Says several single words.
Uses simple gestures to communicate, for example, they will shake their head for ‘no’ and point to something they want.
Understand the use of everyday objects such as a spoon, telephone, cup, etc.
When shown how to, they can build a tower of three cubes.
Uses pointing as a means to get the attention of others.
Enjoy picture books and can point to a named object on the page.
Can point to one part of the body.
Is able to respond to simple instructions such as ‘find your shoes.’
Social and Emotional:
Enjoys handing things to others as part of their play.
May be able to begin toilet training.
Is apprehensive or shy of strangers but will show affection to familiar people.
Will explore their surroundings on their own as long as a carer is nearby.
Dislikes disruption to their routine and may cling to their carer when faced with a new situation.
Will have temper tantrums when upset.
Simple make-believe play, such as feeding a doll, begins to develop.
Remember this is meant as a rough guide to where your child should be with their development, but if you are at all worried that they may be lagging behind in any area, or they lose a skill they previously had, you should always seek the advice of a health professional.
(Taken from book sample online)
Savory, L., Bulman, K., 25 August, 2006, BTEC First Children’s Care, Learning and Development - Understanding Children’s Development, 1st edition, Heinemann, accessed on: 21 August 2020, available at: (sample found at:)
CDC – Centre for Disease Control and Prevention, 9 June, 2020, CDC – Centre for Disease Control and Prevention - Milestones, accessed on: 21 August, 2020, available at: